なぜLateral wedgeで膝痛が軽減する膝OA症例と軽減しない膝OA症例がいるの?



なぜLateral wedgeで膝痛が軽減する膝OA症例と軽減しない膝OA症例がいるの?

内側型変形性膝関節症例の膝痛に対して理学療法士・作業療法士がLateral wedge insoleを作成する機会は多いと思います.

ただ臨床上はこのLateral wedge insoleが著効する症例と,あまり有効でない症例がいるのも実際です.

ではなぜLateral wedgeで膝痛が軽減する膝OA症例と軽減しない膝OA症例がいるのでしょうか?

今回はなぜLateral wedge insoleで膝痛が軽減する膝OA症例と軽減しない膝OA症例がいるのはなぜかを考える上で非常に参考になる研究論文をご紹介させていただきます.

Shoes, Sports Shoes, Running Shoes, Beaten








Gait Posture. 2016 Sep;49:451-456. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2016.08.011. Epub 2016 Aug 12.

Foot alignments influence the effect of knee adduction moment with lateral wedge insoles during gait

Tomonori Sawada 1, Kazuki Tokuda 1, Kenji Tanimoto 1, Yoshitaka Iwamoto 1, Yuta Ogata 1, Masaya Anan 2, Makoto Takahashi 2, Nobuhiro Kito 3, Koichi Shinkoda 4

Affiliations expand

PMID: 27541338 DOI: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2016.08.011










Lateral wedge insoles (LWIs) reduce the peak external knee adduction moment (KAM). However, the efficacy of LWIs is limited in certain individuals for whom they fail to decrease KAM. Possible explanations for a lack of desired LWI response are variations in foot alignments. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the immediate biomechanical effects of LWIs depend on individual foot alignments during gait.

Lateral wedge insoleは,膝関節内反モーメント(KAM)のピークを減少させることが明らかにされております.

しかしながらLateral wedge insole の有効性は,膝関節内反モーメントを減少させることができない特定の人に限られています.

望ましいLateral wedge insole の反応が得られない理由としては,足のアライメントの違いが考えられます.

この研究ではLateral wedge insoleの即時的な生体力学的効果が,歩行中の個々の足のアライメントに関連するかどうかを評価することを目的としております.









Fifteen healthy adults participated in this study. Their feet were categorized as normal, pronated, and supinated using the foot posture index. All subjects were subsequently requested to perform a normal gait under barefoot and LWI conditions. A three-dimensional motion analysis system was used to record the kinematic and kinetic data, included peak KAM, KAM impulse (KAAI), center of pressure displacement, and knee-ground reaction force lever arm (KLA). Furthermore, lower limb frontal plane kinematic parameters at the rear foot, ankle, knee, and hip were evaluated.



その後,対象者全例に裸足とLateral wedge insole の条件で通常の歩行を行わせております.











Among all feet, there was no significant difference in the peak KAM and KAAI between the conditions. In contrast, the peak KAM was significantly reduced under the LWI condition relative to the barefoot condition in the normal foot group. Reductions in the peak KAM were correlated with a more lateral center of pressure and reduced KLA. In addition, a reduced KLA was correlated with decreased hip adduction. LWIs significantly reduced the peak KAM in normal feet, indicating that biomechanical effects of LWIs vary between individual foot alignments.


一方で正常足では,裸足の条件に比べてLateral wedge insole の条件で膝関節内反モーメントが有意に減少しております.



Lateral wedge insole は正常な足ピーク内反モーメントを有意に減少させ,Lateral wedge insole のバイオメカニクス的効果は個々の足のアライメントによって異なることが示されました.









Our findings suggest that it is helpful to assess individual foot alignment to ensure adequate insole treatment for patients with knee osteoarthritis.



今回はなぜLateral wedge insoleで膝痛が軽減する膝OA症例と軽減しない膝OA症例がいるのはなぜかを考える上で非常に参考になる研究論文をご紹介させていただきました.

この結果から考えてもただただLateral wedge insoleを挿入するのではなく,足部のアライメントを評価したうえでLateral wedge insoleを用いることが重要でしょうね.
