CAM typeのFAIのmicro instabilityを裏付ける論文紹介



CAM typeのFAIのmicro instabilityを裏付ける論文紹介

近年,注目されているのがCAM typeのFAIです.

またmicro instabilityという概念も変形性股関節症や股関節の変形を考えるうえでは重要な概念です.

今回はCAM typeのFAIのmicro instabilityを裏付けとなる可能性がある論文をご紹介させていただきます.

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J Orthop Res. 2023 Jan;41(1):161-169. doi: 10.1002/jor.25332. Epub 2022 Apr 6.

Patients with cam-type femoroacetabular impingement demonstrate increased change in bone-to-bone distance during walking: A dual fluoroscopy study

Cara L Lewis 1, Keisuke Uemura 2, Penny R Atkins 2 3, Amy L Lenz 2, Niccolo M Fiorentino 4, Stephen K Aoki 2, Andrew E Anderson 2 3 5 6

Affiliations expand

PMID: 35325481 PMCID: PMC9508282 (available on 2024-01-01) DOI: 10.1002/jor.25332










Cam-type femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) syndrome is a painful, structural hip disorder. Herein, we investigated hip joint mechanics through in vivo, dynamic measurement of the bone-to-bone distance between the femoral head and acetabulum in patients with cam FAI syndrome and morphologically screened controls. We hypothesized that individuals with cam FAI syndrome would have larger changes in bone-to-bone distance compared to the control group, which we would interpret as altered joint mechanics as signified by greater movement of the femoral head as it articulates within the acetabulum.

CAM typeの大腿寛骨臼インピンジメント(FAI)症候群は痛みを伴う股関節の構造的障害であります.

この研究ではCAM typeのFAI症例と形態学的にスクリーニングした対照群において,大腿骨頭と寛骨臼の間の骨間距離をin vivoで動的に測定し股関節の力学を調査しております.

この研究ではCAM typeのFAI症候群症例は対照群と比較して骨間距離の変化が大きく,これは寛骨臼内で関節運動する大腿骨頭の大きな動きによって示される関節メカニクスの変化として解釈されるだろうと仮説を立てております.









Seven patients with cam FAI syndrome and 11 asymptomatic individuals with typical morphology underwent dual fluoroscopy imaging during level and inclined walking (upward slope). The change in bone-to-bone distance between femoral and acetabular bone surfaces was evaluated for five anatomical regions of the acetabulum at each timepoint of gait. Linear regression analysis of the bone-to-bone distance considered two within-subject factors (activity and region) and one between-subjects factor (group). Across activities, the change in minimum bone-to-bone distance was 1.38-2.54 mm for the cam FAI group and 1.16-1.84 mm for controls. In all regions except the anterior-superior region, the change in bone-to-bone distance was larger in the cam group than the control group (p ≤ 0.024). An effect of activity was detected only in the posterior-superior region where larger changes were noted during level walking than incline walking.

CAM typeのFAI症候群の症例7例と典型的な形態を有する無症状の11例を対象として,水平歩行時と傾斜歩行時(上り勾配)の二重透視撮影を行っております.



活動全体にわたり骨間距離の最小値の変化はCAM typeのFAI群で1.38~2.54mm,対照群で1.16~1.84mmでありました.

前上方部位を除くすべての部位において骨間距離の変化は対照群よりもCAM typeのFAI群で大きい結果でありました(p≦0.024).









Statement of clinical significance: Patients with cam FAI syndrome exhibit altered hip joint mechanics during the low-demand activity of walking; these alterations could affect load transmission, and contribute to pain, tissue damage, and osteoarthritis.

CAM typeのFAI症候群症例歩行という負荷の少ない活動時に股関節のメカニクスに変化を示す可能性があります.



今回はCAM typeのFAIのmicro instabilityを裏付けとなる可能性がある論文をご紹介させていただきました.


こういった結果を見てもCAM typeのFAIの場合にはいかにmicro instabilityを軽減させられるかが勝負となりますね.

どこまで筋活動でmicro instabilityを軽減させることが可能なのかが理学療法士・作業療法士としては関心の高いところでしょうね.
