膝関節屈曲角度何度未満がStiff knee gait?



膝関節屈曲角度何度未満がStiff knee gait?

脳卒中片麻痺症例や人工膝関節全置換術例をはじめ膝関節疾患に多く見られるのがstiff knee gaitです.

ただStiff knee gaitってきちんと定義されてませんよね?

今回は膝関節屈曲角度何度未満がStiff knee gaitなのかを考えるうえで参考になる論文をご紹介させていただきます.

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Research Article

Identification of stiff-knee gait in stroke survivors

Odair Bacca, Melissa Leandro Celestino, José Angelo Barela, Ana Maria Forti Barela

Identification of stiff-knee gait in stroke survivors
Background: Though stiff-knee gait is a common movement disorder in individuals with stroke, the criteria for identifying it in this population are not yet well...










Background: Though stiff-knee gait is a common movement disorder in individuals with stroke, the criteria for identifying it in this population are not yet well established. This study investigated suitable criteria to identify stroke survivors with stiff-knee gait. Twenty-four stroke survivors (45.2±13.7 years old) and 24 individuals matched by age and sex (45.5±13.5 years old) with no known gait impairment participated in this study. They walked along a 10-m extension walkway at a self-selected comfortable speed. A computerized analysis system registered the trajectories of retroreflective markers placed on specific body landmarks, and different measurements were calculated regarding knee flexion during gait cycle, such as its peak during the swing period, total range of motion (RoM), equivalent to the difference between maximum and minimum knee excursion during gait cycle (“RoM cycle”), and RoM from toe-off to peak knee flexion (“RoM swing”).

Stiff knee gaitは脳卒中患者によくみられる運動障害でありますが,この集団における同定基準はまだ十分に確立されておりません.

この研究ではStiff knee gaitを呈する脳卒中症例を識別するための適切な基準を検討しております.












測定値は遊脚期における膝屈曲のピーク値,歩行周期中の最大膝関節伸展域と最小膝関節伸展域の差に相当する全可動域(RoM)(「RoM cycle」),つま先離地から膝屈曲ピークまでのROM(「RoM swing」)などであります.









Results: Overall, peak knee flexion during the swing period and knee RoM swing were the most remarkable measurements to identify stiff-knee gait in stroke survivors.

全体として遊脚期の膝関節屈曲のピークと遊脚期の膝関節ROMが,脳卒中症例のStiff knee gaitを識別するための最も顕著な測定値でありました.









Conclusions:Based upon the found results, we suggest using at least two criteria to identify stiff-knee gait in individuals with stroke. The most suitable ones are peak knee flexion during the swing period <50° and the knee RoM from toe-off to peak knee flexion <12°. Finally, our results suggest that it is inappropriate to consider the non-paretic limb and total knee flexion RoM to classify stiff-knee gait in individuals with stroke.

以上の結果から,脳卒中症例のStiff knee gaitを識別するために,少なくとも2つの基準を用いることが支持されます.


最後に脳卒中症例のStiff knee gaitを分類するために,非麻痺肢と膝関節屈曲ROMを考慮することは不適切であることが示唆されました.


今回は膝関節屈曲角度何度未満がStiff knee gaitなのかを考えるうえで参考になる論文をご紹介させていただきました.

今回の結果から考えると,Stiff knee gaitの基準としては遊脚期の膝関節屈曲のピークが50°未満であることと,つま先離地から膝関節屈曲のピークまでの膝関節のROMが12°未満であることといった点が基準になりそうですね.

